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Nesting Season

For 16 years I was fortunate enough to have lived on 40 acres.  Each spring, I would find a multitude of bird nests being constructed in the most unusual spots:  The engine compartment of a tractor, under the hood of a riding mower, on shelves in the garage, in a long-handled dustpan hanging on the wall, and even in one of my shoes.  When nesting season was over, I would collect the most exciting nests and keep them in my art studio to use as reference material for my paintings or give them to other artists when I no longer had enough room.  

Each nest is unique.  Sometimes unusual things are woven into them like pieces of plastic sheeting, ribbons, strings, and even (unfortunately) cigarette butts.  My watercolor nests are not replicas of true bird nests, but rather expressive representations of the nests I have discovered and give me so much joy to paint.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

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